Innovation Consulting

Innovate with confidence.

“We find it hard to keep up with our competitors’ pace of innovation.”

“Our consumer data does not give us any useful insights.”

“We don’t have a clear long-term innovation strategy.”

If any of the above statements ring true for your business, your product innovation strategy is likely sub-optimal. Companies that struggle with innovation are more likely to fall behind, lose market share and eventually experience profitability problems.

That’s the bad news.

The good news? There is a solution to every innovation problem.

B-Inno’s approach is the 4A framework:

  • Audit : perform an exhaustive inventory of all existing processes, organizational structures, data sources, ongoing research, etc. supporting your innovation process. We understand what’s in place, what gaps there are, and what needs to be adjusted.

  • Acquire : determine what talent, data, software, and processes need to be added to your capabilities to enable a successful innovation journey.

  • Analyze : once all elements are in place, extract all the value from the data, internal capabilities and experience, and define a long-term innovation roadmap, along with KPIs, deadlines and resource assignments.

  • Action : with the plan in place, we press Start and execute. We track, adjust if needed, and continually improve. The 4A cycle begins again as we uncover new opportunities and needs.

Together, we can make innovation a daily success story in your business.

Get in touch to find out how we can help.